Special Olympics Basketball
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The Princeton High School Special Olympics basketball teams competed in the Bryon Regional Tournament Sunday, both placing third.
Princeton White lost to NASR 21-14 in their first game, with Maddy Borys with eight points and Rusty Thorp adding six. Princeton White also fell to Canton Purple 44-32. Thorp scored 24 points with Borys adding six points while Grant Erricson added two.
Princeton Blue lost to Rockford Public School Mustangs in its first game, 52-38. Austin Borys scored 21 points, Derek Camp 10, Hunter Corrie three and Trent Schafer added two.
In its second game, Princeton Blue beat El Paso-Gridley 49-31. Austin Borys was high scorer with 24 points, Corrie and Drew Camp had seven points each, Derek Camp six and Trent Schafer added five.