by Andy Berlinski | Dec 11, 2017 | Academics, Announcements, Student Achievement
Congratulations to the Princeton High School 2017 Illinois State Scholars: Michaela Crowe, Margarita Gomez, Sara Grieff, Cydney Kelly Kylee Mallery, Albert Sadiku, Zachary Welsh and Mikayla Wilhelm. Illinois State Scholars represent approximately the top ten percent...
by Andy Berlinski | Dec 7, 2017 | Academics, Announcements
Finals Schedule — Semester 1 (2017) Princeton High School will operate on the following schedule for finals week. Monday, December 18 – Thursday, December 21 Dismiss at 2:07. No Homeroom. Buses run at the normal time of 3:00. Friday, December 22 Dismiss at...
by Andy Berlinski | Nov 20, 2017 | Academics, Announcements, Student Achievement
Congratulations to McKayla BartKiewicz for being selected to serve as an Honorary Page for the Illinois Legislature on October 26. Thank you to State Rep. Dan Swanson, R-Alpha. Read more...
by Andy Berlinski | Nov 17, 2017 | Academics, Announcements
Thank you to Marquis Energy for their recent donation to Princeton High School in the amount of $50,000. The local ethanol producer, located in Hennepin, IL made the donation to go towards the STEM and Agriculture fields at PHS. We are extremely grateful for this gift...
by Abbie Cochran | Nov 7, 2017 | Academics, Announcements, Guidance, Student Achievement
Emma Roden, daughter of Dave Roden and Tracy Boylan was nominated as our October representative for the Elks Teen of the Month luncheon held on October 20, 2017 at the Princeton Elks Lodge. Princeton High School is very proud of Emma’s many fine accomplishments...
by Steve Morton | Nov 3, 2017 | Academics
For the second consecutive year, a team from Princeton High School has taken first place at the Regional Junior Achievement Titan competition held at Sauk Valley Community College on October 27th. This year’s team consists of Alec Johnson, Nolan Hunt, Zach Bohms, and...