March Staff Shout Outs

Mrs. Fredrickson

What are some things you’ve noticed are different between high school now and high school when you went?

    • Boundaries and respect. Students think they can get away with so much more than is allowed or proper and there is less respect for teachers and each other.

What’s your favorite story or memory you can think of about something that has happened in your time working here?

    • It is a recent story. Students had been asking for, and I had wanted to for years, to have a Foods 3 class and a costume Sewing class. I developed the classes, pitched the ideas and after fulfilling all the requirements it went to the board and they were approved. I am so thrilled to get to offer those classes.

When you were in high school, did you know what you wanted to do as an adult?

    • Yes. I realized early on I had a flair for the subjects taught under Family and Consumer Sciences. I like working with young people so being a FACS teacher was what I always wanted to be. I love teaching skills that are useful in ‘adulting’.

What are some qualities you look for in students when trying to connect with them and do you feel respected by the students in your job?

    • Respected, yes, for the most part, although I may get a sassy student at the start of the term before they get to know me and occasionally at the end of the term when they have put themselves in a corner and then lash out. I look for students who know when it is an appropriate time to work and when to relax during class time.

What are some things you look forward to each year?

    • The start of school and summer vacation! I really am excited to see the kids again after the summer and to get to teach my favorite subjects, and just have a good time with the kids. Summer vacation because I’m ready for a break and I get a few months to work on things of personal interest like home remodeling or a trip somewhere.

What’s your favorite childhood memory? Why?

    • When I was five, I was out in the backyard standing on a table. It was a windy spring day. I was shouting to the wind, “I am Wendy, queen of the wind, and I command you to stop blowing”. And it did! I was shocked. So I shouted, “I am Wendy, queen of the wind, and I command you to start blowing again”. And it did!! I couldn’t believe it. I did it several more times and it worked! I was blown away. Lol.
PHS Staff Shout Out

March 2021 Staff Shout Out

Mr. Smucker

What are some things you’ve noticed are different between high school now and when you went? 

    • When I attended high school, there were no cell phones; we only had three sports (football, basketball and track), no girls sports, dress codes were very different.

What’s your favorite story of memory you’ve made in your time working at PHS?

    • Some of my favorite memories at PHS were playing in the alumni basketball games.

If you could meet anyone you wanted, living or dead, who would it be, and why?

    • If I could meet anyone, living or dead, it would be Ronald Reagan, because my wife and I attended his alma mater, Eureka College. 

What’s your favorite movie/book/music artist, and why?

    • My favorite movies to watch are the older James Bond movies.

If there were any place in the world you could be at right now, where would it be?

    • If I could be any place in the world right now, outside of the Covid restrictions, it would be visiting many of the European countries.

What are your favorite hobbies?

    • My favorite hobbies are playing basketball, cycling and riding my motorcycle.

If you had one hour left to live, what would you do, why would you do it, and who would you do it with?

    • If I had one hour left on earth, I would spend time with my family.
PHS Staff Shout Out

March 2021 Staff Shout Out

Mrs. Polowy

What’s your favorite story or memory you can think of about something that has happened in your time working here?

    • I think what I’ve loved the most have been some of the events we’ve done with either scholastic bowl or student council with the events they have, especially Tigerpalooza, watching high school kids jump around on inflatables and hanging upside-down on the velcro wall, and dances. There was a time in history class when they decided we needed to conquer another classroom, and so my room was invaded. It was lots of fun. 

When you were in high school, did you know what you wanted to do as an adult?

    • Yes and no. I knew I wanted to work with juvenile delinquency. I didn’t know it was going to be in teaching high school at that time. 

Were you in any clubs in high school? 

    • Yes, definitely. I was part of our speech team, student council, drama club/musicals, honors choir, outside clubs and organizations like the Stark County Youth Collisions (we used to put on dances every month and get everybody to go see a movie together), 4H, team advisory board, head of the youth group.

What are some qualities you look for in students when trying to connect with them and do you feel respected by the students in your job?

    • I look for honesty, and a sense of spirit, willingness to be creative and take chances. I do feel respected by the students. 

What are some things that you’ve noticed are different between high school now and high school when you went?

    • Cell phones/technology, clubs and sports especially have become more focused than they used to be (we never had traveling teams), teens have no time to spend with their families. I think that’s important, family time has become something that sits on the back burner. There was such a big switch from “everybody needs to go to college”, and now we’re pushing to find something they can enjoy doing.
PHS Staff Shout Out

March 2021 Staff Shout Out

Mr. Snyder

  • What’s your favorite thing about working at PHS?
    • My favorite thing about teaching at PHS is the family atmosphere and the great relationships I have with students and staff. 


  • If you could meet anyone you wanted, living or dead, who would it be, and why?
    • I think it would be awesome to sit down and talk with Ed Orgeron. He is the head football coach at LSU. I just read his book and it was amazing. He has had quite the journey to where he is today. It would be a lot of fun to meet with him. 


  • What sports did you play when in high school or college? Did you play any sports?
    • In high school I played football, wrestled, and attempted to play baseball (should have competed in track!). I played football in college. 


  • When you were in high school, did you know what you wanted to do as an adult?
    • I decided I wanted to teach and coach when I was in 10th grade. Thank you Coach Brown!!


  • What’s your biggest pet peeve?
    • Being talked down to, as if someone believes they are better than you. 


PHS Staff Shout Out

March 2021 Staff Shout Out

Mrs. Hilmes

  • What’s your favorite movie/book/music artist, and why? 
    • I love all genres of movies, books, and music.  It’s too hard to choose just one!  
  • If there was any place in the world that you could go, where would it be? 
    • Anywhere with a beach and a lounge chair. I love to just relax in the sun.
  • What are some qualities you look for in students when trying to connect with them and do you feel respected by the students in your job? 
    • I appreciate when students are respectful and personable.  Eye contact and a kind word goes a long way.  Although I don’t interact with students as much as I would like, I do think that they appreciate and respect me. I try to greet each student with a smile and a little conversation. 
  • What are some things you look forward to each year? 
    • I have been working at PHS for quite some time now and although I do work year round I look forward to the start of a new school year. Everything is new, no matter what grade level a student is, or how many years you have been working at PHS. I also look forward to Graduation. It’s an honor to help organize and be present for Graduation, and to witness the hard work and successes of the graduating senior class. 
  • What’s your biggest pet peeve? 
    • I am a very organized and tidy person…If things are messy and unorganized, I tend to get stressed out.
  • What is/are your favorite hobby/hobbies? 
    • I love hanging out with my family and friends, bowling, baking, grilling out, bonfires, and lounging around in my pool!
PHS Staff Shout Out

March 2021 Staff Shout Out