Students and parents, I ask that you share this information with as many friends via social media, email, text, etc as possible. I realize that not all students and parents check their email over the weekend. Please help me spread the following message to as many students as possible.


Dear Students, Staff and Community,

On Friday, March 27, the Governor along with the Illinois State Board of Education announced that after March 30, a transition will take place moving from Act Of God Days to Remote Learning Days.  This transition will begin on March 31 and continue through the end of the mandated school closure.

We have spent the weekend reading the guidance related to Remote Learning Days. Our staff is prepared to implement education through Remote/E-Learning beginning on Tuesday, March 31 (A Day) and lasting until we are scheduled to return to regular classes on Wednesday, April 8. Based on what we’ve been told, please be prepared for this to be extended.

For those with internet access and devices at home, you will receive an email from me each morning (around 9 am) that contains a link to a “Master Assignment Document” for the day. That document will contain a link to a Google Form (for attendance) and a listing of all teachers and their assignments for the day. Each student will be responsible for using the form to “check in” for attendance purposes and then view each of their classes for the day in order to see (and complete) their assignment. Teachers will be available via email from 9 am to 3 pm each school day in order to answer questions, provide feedback, and receive assignments. The current plan is for students to turn their assignments in either via email or Google Classroom. 

Here are examples of the documents you will receive each day:

PHS Remote/E-Learning A Day Assignment Master Doc.


PHS Remote/E-Learning B Day Assignment Master Doc.


For those who do not have internet access or a device at home to complete assignments, we ask that you contact the school via phone, 815 875 3308 or Mr. Ohlson ([email protected]) via email before 9:00 am on Wednesday, April 1. He will then relay information on to both students and parents via email and phone call on the process for the distribution and collection of paper packets. We understand that this will be a difficult time for all families and are committed to keeping every student educated. We also understand that students who do not have access will not be starting at the same time as those who do. Don’t worry. All students will receive similar information, handouts, notes, worksheets etc. from teachers as they would if had received it electronically.  The timeframe for completion of assignments will be adjusted to accommodate the differences in delivery.


Mobile Hot-spots 

Due to Covid-19, cell providers have enabled the ability to use your smartphone as a mobile hotspot.  Please check with your service provider to see if this service has been enabled on your device. If they have, watch these video tutorials depending on your device.


How to enable your cell phone mobile hot-spot:

Android Phones

Apple iPhones

Chromebook Settings


If students need to pick up any belongings from their lockers, they can do so on the following days/times. Please use either Door #3 or Door #6.


Monday, March 30 — 9am-Noon

Tuesday, March 31 — 9am-Noon

Wednesday, April 1 — 9am-Noon


Due to the changing variables with Covid-19, we can not guarantee access to the building beyond April 1.


How will you be graded? During these Remote/E-Learning Days we will be following the recommendations set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education.


From ISBE:


“The recommendations on grading are based upon the principle of no educational harm to any child. This pandemic and the statewide suspension of in-person instruction – the first in modern history – has impacted our entire society. The advisory group expects that student learning continues during the remote learning period. The group does not want a negative impact on students. In place of an “F,” (or zero) for example, the recommendation is for an “incomplete” (or no grade be entered) that can be made up when the remote learning period ends. There are factors outside of the control of the school system with learning being moved off site; therefore, the aim is that student grades are not lowered as a result of remote learning. ISBE recommends that a student who is not able to be engaged, or who chooses to disengage, in remote learning should receive an incomplete or no grade. Teachers will document every attempt made to engage the student; it is very possible the student is experiencing circumstances out of their control.


All students should have the opportunity to redo, make up, or try again to complete, show progress, or attempt to complete work assigned prior to remote learning. The emphasis for schoolwork assigned, reviewed, and completed during the remote learning period is on learning, not on compliance. Ideally, all Illinois students will pass their assignments during remote learning as this is a new and unprecedented set of circumstances. 


This is not a time for failing students or adversely impacting student learning progress. Students are expected to continue with the learning activities assigned during remote learning. We call on educators to be mindful of the impact of time on task, time on screens, and time on reflection during this pandemic; grading should be used for coaching.”

In short, student grades can not go down during this time. They can only go up. Teachers will not enter any grades that would negatively impact any student. They are expected to enter all other grades that would positively impact a students grade.


So, with said, this is an opportunity for all students to improve their academic standing within their courses. For seniors, this is an opportunity to raise any grades that may currently be a barrier to graduation. For all others, it is an opportunity to raise their grades and remain “on track” to graduate with their class. 


Please take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity.


Lastly, please know that during this time our greatest concern is the safety, health, well-being of our students, staff, families, and community. We wish all of you and your family’s good health during this time.